Bank Holiday Weekend

I thought I’d probably better post up to say what I’ve been up to this bank holiday weekend, before I forget! It’s always a bit of a struggle towards the end of a long weekend because it’s three days I have to remember, as opposed to just two… still.

On Friday night, we didn’t do much! (No surprises there). On Saturday we did a bit of shopping during the day. In the afternoon we headed over to my parents’ house in Ipswich. We had dinner there before driving out to Snape Maltings to see the University of Essex Choir perform Mendelssohn’s “Elijah”. We all thoroughly enjoyed it! It was a great performance by all concerned (choir, soloists, and the Essex Sinfonia).

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, for two services! – Phil was playing at the All Age service at 10, and I was playing at the 11:15 service. In the afternoon we relaxed, and in the evening we went to the Rover’s Tye to meet up Sarah, Jon and Simon to have a few celebratory drinks for Simon’s birthday. For some reason towards the end of the evening we managed to spend about half an hour discussing the University of Essex room numbering system?! One day we will have to have that ‘explore the university’ day to see if we can find any of those rooms which are rumoured not to exist…

Yesterday, we went to Lavenham with Sarah, Jon and Simon. We had lunch at a local pub (The Cock), and afterwards had a look around the Lavenham Guild Hall. It was very interesting, a lot of the buildings in Lavenham are quite old so it’s fascinating to explore.

In the evening, Phil and I went round to Alex’s for a bit.

And that was our weekend! Not much more to say now…


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