Anniversary BBQ etc

This weekend was fairly quiet. On Friday evening we went to Tesco, as we were having my parents round on Saturday so we needed to get some supplies. On Saturday my parents and my sister Alison came round, and we had a BBQ to celebrate their 25th anniversary. There are a few photos of this on Flickr. In the afternoon we all went for a walk around Highwoods, which was very nice, and then we had tea and they headed back home.

In the evening we were too tired to do very much so we just watched ‘Destry Rides Again’ – a classic western with James Stewart!

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then spent the afternoon reading. I was reading through a booklet a Jehovah’s Witness gave me, called “What does the Bible really teach?” (their emphasis). They’re going to come back sometime soon so I thought I’d probably better have a read through it! I always knew that the JW teachings did depart a bit from orthodox Christianity, but I didn’t realise quite the extent… I found a good website which has a lot of information on it, so hopefully next time they come back I’ll be able to have a good discussion with them.

In the evening we watched “Starter for 10”, which is a comedy about a student from a town in Essex who goes away to university and appears on University Challenge. It’s very good – quite funny, but also poignant, and definitely worth watching! A lot of the British films that I’ve watched recently have been of very high quality, it has to be said — certainly a lot more original than some of the dross that comes out of Hollywood. What they lack in big budget special effects they more than make up for in, well, just telling a good story.

Anyway. The only other thing to mention about this weekend is that we now have a Freeview HDD recorder. This means that we can watch Freeview now, although annoyingly we don’t have all the available channels (for example, Channel 4 is apparently not available on Freeview currently in Colchester). This also means we won’t have to keep downloading programs we miss, i.e. Heroes – we can just set the box to record. Having a Hard Disk based recorder is much more useful here – often, you want to record an episode, watch it once or twice, and then delete it. Removable media isn’t great for that — hard drives make it hassle free. Of course, if you want to actually keep something then you will eventually run out of space on the drive… still, if I wanted to keep something recorded off of the TV I could probably either download it or buy a DVD.

Anyway, once we’ve used it for a few weeks I might post up a little review just in case anyone else is interested in buying one!


2 responses to “Anniversary BBQ etc”

  1. That’s a coincidence, I watched “Starter for Ten” last week too! I’ve joined the 21st century, and am trying to watch more films, because I’m fed up with not getting references to popular culture!

    I picked Starter because my friend Howard was in it, and I watched it with him and another friend! Howard’s currently filming the new Batman at Pinewood, which is very exciting!

  2. You know, Simon, I think if I name a film you probably know someone who’s been in it! The new Batman, eh? Excellent – I hope it’s as good as “Batman Begins”! If it is, I’ll definitely enjoy it.

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