First decorating of the new year…

Just a quick update on what’s been happening over the past few days. On Saturday we did some decorating, which was fun! We’d already taken down the wallpaper last Thursday evening, so on Saturday I spent most of the day painting. The little room now looks much better! – the wallpaper previously, although it only covered one wall, made you feel dizzy if you looked at it! Having no wallpaper is a big improvement.

On Saturday evening we stayed in and watched ‘Bullitt’ with Steve McQueen. It’s a classic film, famous for its car chase. If you haven’t seen it and like car chases in particular or cop films in general, this is well worth picking up!

On Sunday morning we went to church, and in the afternoon we had a few people round to watch series one of ‘Spaced’. It was a very enjoyable afternoon / evening! Afterwards, Dan and Alison stayed around and we watched ‘Spinal Tap’, which is another brilliant film… you forget just how good it is! Absolute classic.

Well, that was our weekend… all for now!


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