Slapped in the Face by Irony

As I mentioned in the previous post, we we looking at buying a second-hand Saab 9-3. I was just waiting on the insurance premium quote to come back. Anyway, I did get the insurance quote back and it was OK, so we called up and made an offer on the car. We said we would be able to pick it up next weekend.

So far so good. That’s where the good part of the story ends, however. When I had the car MOT’d back in August, they said there was a problem with the radiator – it had a slow leak. While they patched it up for me, they said it might well need a new radiator putting in.

… guess when the radiator chooses to give up? Yes, that’s right: today! One week before selling the car. I was just driving it back from Halfords (where I was picking up a few bits and pieces to clean the car with), I noticed that the temperature gauge was going through the roof. Fortunately I was only about half a mile from home, so I managed to get back OK. When I stopped, I noticed a fair amount of water leaking out of the bottom.

D’oh. Looks like we’re going to have to get a taxi into church tomorrow. Looks like I’m going to have to get the bus into work this week… it seems fairly pointless getting the radiator replaced at this stage, but I think we’re going to have to because it’s just so inconvenient *not* having a car and working where I do (it’s about an hour on the bus, at inconvenient times).

Irony sometimes has a way of slapping you til it hurts 🙁


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