Pubs, Parties and Gavin & Stacey

Well, this weekend was a fairly eventful one! On Friday evening we were helping out at 21. Fortunately I wasn’t doing the talk this week – I say fortunately because it was a difficult passage! Judges 14. But AJ did a good job despite that and I think everyone had a good time.

On Saturday afternoon we met up with Tom and Chris J at the Bricklayers pub for the first part of “The Magnificent Seven” – a pub crawl encompassing the seven Colchester pubs which are in the good beer guide. Unfortunately we were only able to stay for two (The Fox and Fiddler was the next one) but it was a good time and hopefully we’ll get a chance to do the full one sometime later this year. I tried a couple of beers I hadn’t had before including one called “Binary Bitter”, a pale ale which was very nice!

In the evening we went to Matthew’s birthday party. It was superhero-themed, so I dressed up as Christopher Ecclestone’s Doctor Who (well, he’s sort of a superhero) and Phil dressed up as Rose. It was a fun evening, although I think I ate my own body weight in chocolate covered things (the chocolate fountain was good).

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then straight afterwards went round to Laura’s. We had a very nice Thai style curry, and then spent the whole afternoon watching Gavin & Stacey Series 1 – which none of us had seen before. It was brilliant, I’ve really got into Gavin & Stacey (we’ve been watching series 2 on BBC3) – it’s very clever, although it’s really funny at times it also has some great ‘drama’ style moments and is actually quite touching. It’s also quite realistic – the families are both so well written and played, I feel like I recognise them! Bryn (played by Rob Brydon) is probably my favourite character.

Aaaanyway. After that we had our meeting about the music for Sunday @ 6. The meeting actually made me realise (again) how far I have to go with the guitar – although I can play chords pretty well, there are still lots of other things I want to be able to do. I’m getting there slowly, I just hope I do actually ‘get there’ in the end though!

Afterwards we came back home and did a bit of revision for the Moore Course exam (not long to go now – 4th April!) and then we watched the Number One Ladies’ Detective Agency, which was good fun.


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