Good Friday

We went to a Good Friday service today. I found it quite helpful actually – we had some readings from Mark’s Gospel, as well as a couple of pieces from J.S. Bach’s St Matthew’s Passion, and some prayers by Frank Colquhoun (I don’t know who he is, but they were good!)

I thought that in lieu of actually posting up my own thoughts (it’s getting a bit late for that), I’d just post up some rather beautiful words from J.S. Bach. I do love his music, we must go and see the Passion pieces some day. Perhaps the University of Essex choir will perform them – they’re doing Verdi’s Requiem next month which we’re both really looking forward to.

Oh mortal, bewail your great sin;
for this did Christ forsake
his Father’s bosom
and come to earth.
Of a virgin pure and tender
he was born here for us,
willing to become the mediator.
To the dead he gave life,
and dispelled all sickness as well,
until the time came
when he would be sacrificed for us
and bear the heavy burden of our sins
for so long upon the cross.

(Source – San Francisco Bach Choir)


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