I need a holiday!

Well, we had a fairly busy week last week. The bathroom has now been painted, so that’s all done. The main thing that’s left to do is get the flooring in, which we will hopefully be able to do soon. But anyway, I digress: I should talk about the weekend!

On Friday night we stayed in and watched “Ocean’s 13”. It was a much better film than Ocean’s 12 – it hung together much better. I didn’t think it was quite as good as Ocean’s 11, but it was close – not bad for a sequel!

On Saturday we did a bit of shopping in the morning, and then in the afternoon we headed down to London to meet up with Elisa, Alex, Phil P and Esther for Elisa’s birthday meal. We went to Wagamama’s in Covent Garden. It was my first time at a Wagamama’s, and I really enjoyed it! I had a curry which was mild, but absolutely delicious. Highly recommended!

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then came back home for lunch. Afterwards we went round to Anne-Marie’s to have a bit of a jamming session (Anne-Marie is learning to play bass guitar, so I took my guitar and Phil took her clarinet). Then we watched another episode of “Life on Mars”. In the evening we went to the Sunday@6 prayer meeting (less than a week to go now! Scary stuff), and then headed back into Wivenhoe for a meal at the Bengal Spice. The meal was as tasty as they always are there, so I can continue to recommend it 😉

So it was a rather pleasant weekend, all in all! This week is shaping up to be less busy – now that the Moore Course has finished and we’re on a break from home group, we don’t have much to do in the evenings. Not that I’m complaining – might give me a bit more of a chance to practice the guitar!


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