Sunday@6, Mainly

This weekend has been pretty busy – mainly with Sunday@6 preparation! On Friday night we went out to Fordham for a band practice. It all went pretty well except for my guitar amp deciding that it didn’t want to work. DOH! It was working fine on Thursday night. Fortunately I was able to plug in to someone else’s amp, which served for the practice at least. On the night I borrowed Anne-Marie’s guitar amp (thanks Anne-Marie, if you’re reading!).

On Saturday we basically spent the whole day pottering around, doing various odd jobs and a bit of shopping here and there. Not much to say really! I took my guitar amp in and that should be back within a few days – it’s still under warranty so that’s one good thing at least.

Then on Sunday we went to church in the morning, came back home for lunch, and then headed out to Fordham to setup for Sunday@6. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect – Sunday@6 is a new service, and the emphasis is being more interactive and contemporary to perhaps cater for a different audience than the normal morning service. It wasn’t clear to me how everything was going to work out, and I also didn’t quite know if all the music was going to come together.

However, I felt like it all went really well. I can’t really speak for how other areas went, but the music group all played well together – you would hardly have known it was our first service together! And I even managed to relax a bit, have some fun and sing along with some of the songs, which is unusual for me (normally I’m not able to relax when playing like that).

So it’s very encouraging! Unfortunately Phil and I won’t be able to go to the next service (we’re going to Snape Maltings to see the University of Essex Choir performing Verdi’s Requiem, which I’m very much looking forward to). But I feel very positive about the service, and I feel like perhaps God does want to bless it!

After the service we were able to go for a quick drink with Simon, and we spent some time chatting about a possible Crossring relaunch as well as various other things. It was a good time to catch up!

Aaaanyway, that’s all from me for now…


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