Nearly There…

You wait ages for a blog post to come along, and then two come along at once! Sorry about that – things have been a bit busy recently, as I’m sure you can appreciate. Term is very nearly over, we have just over a week left (eek!) and then a week of exams (eeeeeeeek!!!). *ahem* So, anyway, I haven’t had much time to write blog posts, and I won’t have much time over the next couple of weeks. Just in case you think I’ve been neglecting the blog, or anything.

So apart from being busy, what’s been going on? Well, the usual stuff really – finishing assignments, work and the like. Last weekend we went back to Colchester overnight, we saw AJ and Jen on Saturday afternoon and then spent the evening with A-M and Sarah. All in all, a pretty good day! Then we went to Fordham on Sunday morning, and headed back home after lunch. We did have an ulterior motive for going back to Colchester, but more on that in a couple of weeks. (It’s not very exciting really, but still… I hear that tension and excitement keeps people interested. Probably too late for that now though)

Anyway, as they say about blogs: “I have nothing to say… I say it often”. This is me saying nothing. Back to the studio.


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