Welcome! A brief intro…

Hi everyone. Welcome if you’re new here! This blog contains a mix of written and video content – lately the content has been video (see Sacred Musings) rather than written content, although I will continue to write from time to time. If you’d prefer to just see written content, there’s a box at the top of the front page which will let you hide the video content.

The strapline here is “making sense of the world from a Christian perspective”, and that’s what I’m trying to do: analysing where we are, how we can understand what’s going on, looking at the Bible. I’ve focussed a lot on the lockdowns lately, but I aim to cover all sorts of things going on.

I recorded the video below a few months ago to explain my thinking and why I’m creating videos, which you might like to watch. I have also written a defence of why Sacred Musings is “political”. If you’re interested, I’ve also got a few more bits about me on the About page.

If you appreciate what I do and would like to support me, you can Buy me a Coffee or check out the support page. Thanks so much.


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