Why Western foreign policy is a disaster – Podcast 108


2 responses to “Why Western foreign policy is a disaster – Podcast 108”

  1. Adam and Martine avatar
    Adam and Martine

    Spot on as always Phil.
    We love how you make your thinking visible and are on the ever learning journey under God’s guidance by His Holy Spirit, with you.
    Well done. Perfect accompanying scriptures too.
    Why can’t institutional church be more relevant like this!?
    Thank you, as always.x

    1. Thank you Adam and Martine! I’m pleased that this is a learning journey which we are making together. Over the last few years many people have come to the same realisation, and so for all of us it’s been a process of going back to the Bible and thinking through what it says about these things. But it’s good to discover that God always does speak prophetically and clearly into our world, and it’s good to discover others who have similar ideas as well as those like C.S. Lewis who saw things coming from years ago.

      God bless and thank you as always for letting me know your thoughts! X

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