Another picture? Wow!

Yep, another picture! But this time, I thought I’d let you know what all the Warcraft III stuff is about. While it’s uploading, I’ll tell you (a) this is actually Wednesday’s blog, not Thursday’s (as the date will show); (b) what I did today.

This morning my records arrived from Juno! I have to give Juno a quick plug here — they are fantastic. I’ve ordered quite a bit of stuff from them and it’s always arrived on time without any hitches! The staff are helpful too. If you’re into dance music of virtually any kind, visit them! They’re good 🙂 Just in case you’re interested, the records which arrived were Oceanlab – Beautiful Together [Captivating Sounds] and Svenson & Gielen – Beachbreeze [ID&T]. And I like them both!

Anyway. It’s been so incredibly hot today, I went out for a walk (as usual) — but this time I’m sure that I came back browner than I went out… heh, doubtful! Anyway. Um, and really just the usual stuff again… I’m more than half-way through “Out of the saltshaker…” now! In fact, I’d say I was two thirds the way through. Did some Java Programming revision as well, shock! horror! Didn’t go through it in any detail though, skipped over the parts about stacks / queues (the boring stuff, which we had to do in mind-numbing detail. It’s still mind-numbing…)

I’m probably going to watch “Johnny English” on Friday with Bridges (Michael). Rowan Atkinson is a genius, I saw him on Parkinson a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully it will include some Blackadder style stuff, not just Mr. Bean…

And here’s the picture you’ve been waiting for! This is a picture of part of the map that I’m working on at the moment. It’s kind of hard to get screenshots with Warcraft, because maps are rather big. Still, I guess these things happen.

Map 'Castle Argh'...

That’s all for now folks! See you later…

Phill’s Vinyl Collection


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