I’ve just realised something… this has just been the third week of the holidays — and it’s gone by very quickly! It must be doing absolutely nothing. When you’re not doing anything at all, or very little, time tends to go very quickly. It seems strange — normally, time goes by very slowly (for example) in a boring lecture when you’re not doing anything and look at the clock every 30 seconds. However, in the holidays the opposite seems to be true. Time is just weird! I demand a refund!!!
Anyway, back to the plot. What did I do today? Not much really. Read some more of “Out of the saltshaker…”. It’s a very good book actually, I suspect most of the books that I’ve got on evangelism will overlap quite a bit but I’m quite fired up for it at the moment! I’m looking forward to getting back to uni and CU Committee where we can talk about ideas and things. I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I think it’s going to be a good year 🙂
And not much else really that’s worth mentioning here. Just the usual. My Warcraft III map is coming along quite well. Not the one I mentioned the other day, another one that I started afresh… still nowhere near as good as the pros make, but nevertheless I think it’s the best thing I’ve come up with so far!
I might take a wander into town tomorrow, for the sake of not doing nothing at all. I want to see “Johnny English” at some point soon (Rowan Atkinson is a genius), but I don’t know who I’m going to go with. Last summer I went to see “Goldmember” on my own, but I don’t really want to have to repeat that…
Well, there you go. That’s all for now folks!
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