Barbeque… in the rain!

Today the CU and COSCI put on a barbeque by the lake. I headed down at about 12:00 to help set up, the actual thing started at 1:00. Although I left around 1:45ish, there were loads of people there! I think they were actually heading off to get some more food because so many people came. It was great! Lots of international students.

And at the moment I’m sitting in a computer lab (bet you hadn’t guessed that one!) trying to avoid doing yet more revision. Some of you must be wondering at this rate how on earth I will manage to pass my exams, judging by the amount of prevarication that I’m doing. Well, I don’t know… still got a couple of days before my first exam tho 😉

This evening apparently Simon is going to cheesy tunes. And possibly Spin afterwards! Well, I wasn’t planning on going to Spin but I might be convinced if enough people are going down there…


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