Today I have mostly been doing…

Nothing. Ok, well, I got my hair cut. I worked on a cover version / remix of JX “Nothing I Won’t Do”. Been out for a walk, and stuff…

Yesterday was busy though. Left Ipswich at around 11:00, got to Colchester about 11:40 or something. Unpacked my stuff… then drove onto campus. I’ll cut a long story short here. I met Joe, we had lunch, I went to the print shop got the copies done (�65.00, for 1050 A4 double-sided black and white copies), then spent four hours in total folding them whilst watching DVDs at Joe’s place and the football at Andy C’s place, where I went to have a fish and chip supper and getting there was a bit of a nightmare cause I didn’t know where it was he was supposed to be leading but I got in front and it took about twice as long as it should have done. How was that for a run-on sentence?

Anyway, it was a good day 🙂

Oh yeah, and today I also got the phone at Claremont Road connected. So on Monday I should be able to call up and order ADSL! I tried to order it today, but they can’t put it through unless the phone has been connected for a certain amount of time so they have line data to use… hopefully by Monday it’ll be OK.

I’m working at Coplestone tomorrow, a local high school. Washing up no doubt. Ah well, that’ll be my last work I do for Blue Arrow! Only four hours. Woo-hoo! 🙂


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