The Weekend, Beethoven… and Pendulum.

Just a quick update about what happened over the weekend… on Friday evening, Foz came up to stay! ๐Ÿ™‚ We didn’t do much, apart from watch the first DVD of “An Evening with Kevin Smith”. It was absolutely hilarious, Kevin Smith is a very funny guy!

On Saturday, Philippa and I went over to my parents as my sister was up with my niece and nephews. We all had lunch and then went to Framlingham Castle. It was a very good day out, we haven’t seen my sister et al in a while, so it was good to see them at the weekend. Framlingham Castle is also a good place to look around, they provide you with “Mobile Phone” style audio guides, which were very informative!

In the evening Foz, Philippa and I met up with Karen at the Twister on North Hill. It was the first time I’d been in there, and it was nice. We had to turn the heating on (we were sitting outside), but it was a nice evening!

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, and then in the afternoon Philippa and I went to a piano recital by someone named Trevor Cordwell. He does piano recitals every year at Colchester Arts Centre. This year he was playing a selection of Beethoven – the Eroica Variations, Sonata no. 23 “Appassionata”, and Sonata no. 21 “Waldstein”. I think my favourite was actually the Eroica Variations, although the Waldstein was lovely too (the Appassionata is beautiful but a little intense for me!).

In the evening Phil B came round for a bit, and then Foz and Philippa went out to the service at Kesed, a church at the Charles Lucas school in Colchester. It was apparently good, although I didn’t go because I was working on the Fordham website!

Anyway… from Beethoven to Pendulum: Foz is a big fan of them, and I hadn’t really heard much of their stuff before. So, on Foz’s recommendation, I decided to download their Essential Mix from 2005. He was right – it’s an awesome mix! I really like their style of dnb, it’s quite varied, sometimes quite melodic, sometimes quite dark, sometimes heavy – always energetic! I listened to it at work today, and I think I’m going to listen to it again tomorrow (and I’m listening to it as a sit here writing this).

Well, I think that’s about all from me. All for now…


One response to “The Weekend, Beethoven… and Pendulum.”

  1. […] very good in their own way. The Pendulum album is one which I’ve been wanting to get since I listened to their essential mix last year, and it doesn’t […]

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