I haven’t filed this one under “The Weekend” because it was a very unusual weekend! On Friday night, we dropped a few things off at the new house – mainly the expensive stuff (computer, hi-fi, decks, TV etc). Afterwards we went back home and did some more packing (fun fun fun! — I never want to see another box again).
Then on Saturday morning we got up early to finish off a few bits and pieces that still needed to be done (e.g., dismantling our bed – which wasn’t as bad as it sounds). The removal men arrived promptly at 9:00, and we were able to start moving. To cut a long story short, despite them having to go and get another van to fit all our stuff in, we managed to move OK and only broke one thing!
Both our respective sets of parents came up to help us, which was great – we were pretty much unpacked by the end of the day!
In summary, there are plenty of things left to do on the house – but we’re basically unpacked and getting gradually more organised!
So that was Saturday. As for Sunday, in the morning we went to church, and then in the afternoon we went to a company social / BBQ put on by the company I work for. It was a good afternoon, I’ve only been here for two and a half months so it was good to get to know people a bit more. In the evening, we went out to Sloppy Joe’s with a few other people to celebrate Alex’s birthday. All in all, it was a rather good day!
Right, I think that’s just about it for the time being… as far as I know we still don’t have the internet at home, but hopefully that won’t be long in coming! If you want to get in touch with me, for the time being it’s probably best to do it via phone or text, during the evenings at least. I will update when the internet is back again!
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