Elgar, Bruch and Bruckner…

… try saying that three times fast!

We went to a concert this evening at Ipswich Corn Exchange. The Ipswich Orchestral Society were playing: Elgar’s Overture “In the South” (Alassio), Max Bruch’s 1st Violin Concerto, and Anton Bruckner’s 4th Symphony “Romantic”.

We really enjoyed it! The violin concerto was absolutely beautiful. The soloist, Matthew Trusler, played it very passionately… it was electric. It’s difficult to describe, but sometimes you can almost feel the music is alive, and I think that’s what it was like tonight!

The Elgar, too, was very beautiful – I hadn’t heard it before, but I would really like to hear it again. The Bruckner symphony was very long, but also lovely – certainly nothing like what Brahms allegedly called Bruckner’s symphonies (“Giant boa constricters” or something like that!). I don’t think I quite enjoyed it as much as Bruckner’s mass, but good nonetheless.


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