Joseph and things

This weekend was relatively busy, things are picking up after the summer and we’re now virtually back to a full schedule. On Friday night we helped out at 21 as per usual. Then on Saturday morning we did some shopping, and then in the afternoon popped round to see Jo and David’s new flat.

Then we went to Colchester Baptist Church for a performance of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. Anne-Marie was singing and narrating (not at the same time), so we went there and joined Sarah to watch it. It was a really good performance, took me right back to primary school (I was in a performance of it then, although we didn’t do all the songs). The band and singers were all great, with the exception of one poor girl who got so nervous she had a little trouble keeping time! Afterwards A-M and Sarah came round for a cup of hot chocolate.

On Sunday we went to church in the morning as per usual. And then in the evening I went off to Sunday@6! After that we came home and watched “The Boat that Rocked”.

I quite enjoyed the film although it was a bit long. It was a “Who’s Who” of British comedy, part of the fun of the film was trying to identify all the actors! One thing I wondered about was that the soundtrack contained absolutely no Beatles songs. Given that it was set in 1966/67, I found that quite strange. At the end a lot of album covers were shown, and “Sergeant Pepper” was one of them. I thought perhaps the Beatles hadn’t given permission for their songs to be used, but can’t find anything about it on the internet.

Anyway, that was our weekend!


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