Family reunion

Quick weekend type summary. Apologies for not writing more on the blog recently, I have been busy – and suffering from a syndrome known as “lack of ideas” (my usual state of affairs, to be honest!) I do have an article due to be published on Crossring in the next month, so that’s, um, something to look forward to?!

Anyway. The weekend. On Friday we helped out at 21. Then on Saturday afternoon we went down to Hounslow for my brother-in-law’s tenth anniversary service – he’s been the pastor of his church now for ten years. Anyway, we went down on the train with my parents, and apart from a minor hitch with the underground, we had no problems getting there and back. It was really nice to see family again, as it’s been quite a while since last time! My niece is now in year 11 which is quite a scary thought. And it was just a really nice time in general.

On Sunday we went to church in the morning, did a bit of Moore Course in the afternoon, and then headed out for the youth service in the evening. After that, we watched “East of Ipswich“, a film by Michael Palin.

I really liked it. It was a painfully well observed light drama / comedy about a young man who goes on holiday with his parents to a village on the coast near Ipswich. What I really liked was how it seemed to draw on a memory that I didn’t quite have, i.e. it was similar but not too similar to those awful holidays we’ve all been on where there is very little to do! Anyway, it’s well worth watching if you have a spare hour (it’s really not that long – only about 1:15).


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