This weekend was the fourth annual Colchester CAMRA Winter Beer Festival. I’m sure it won’t be much of a surprise to learn that we were there on Saturday afternoon! We met up with Alex and Tom, and then Dan and Alison joined us a bit later on. It was a great afternoon, I think I really need something like that! Afterwards we headed down to the Ashiana for a curry, and then went to the Odd One Out for a bit before Phil and I headed for home. Great afternoon anyway, I’ve uploaded some photos to my Flickr photostream, and I’ve also uploaded them to Facebook.
On Sunday morning we went to church as per usual, and then in the afternoon Alex came round. We headed out to Sunday@6 with him, and then came back home and watched “Speed Racer”. This is a film by the Wachowski brothers, they made it after making “The Matrix”. It was a box office flop at the time, although I really don’t know why: I thought it was brilliant! Really good fun, entertaining, family film. And it looked fantastic in HD! After that we watched Top Gear and then headed to bed (Alex was staying over for the night as he had yesterday off work).
The past couple of weeks we’ve been watching a show called “Episodes” with Stephen Mangan, Tamsin Grieg and Matt LeBlanc. It’s a show about two British writers trying to get their sitcom made in America. It’s not laugh-out-loud kind of funny most of the time, but really worth watching – well written and, according to Steven Moffat, the scenes with the American TV executives aren’t even exaggerated. Anyway that’s on Monday nights on BBC2 (I think) – you might be able to catch it on the iPlayer if you’ve missed the first couple (it was the third one last night).
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