Farewell, Saab

After two and a half years of being a Saab owner, it is with sadness that I have to announce that I won’t be any more. Or at least (hopefully soon) any more: the Saab is up for sale.

We decided recently that it would just be too much to take the Saab to college with us: it’s a nice car, but it isn’t the cheapest to run: when things go wrong, they do cost a fair bit of money to fix. Although we’ve been a bit unlucky with things going wrong, even without that it would still be a bit more expensive.

So we decided to buy a new car, and the perfect opportunity presented itself last week: in the residents association newsletter for the estate, someone was advertising a 2003 Nissan Primera. Perfect.

So, long story short, we gave it a test drive and it seemed fine, we made and offer and then picked it up on Saturday. (I posted some pics on Facebook, if you have me as a friend you’ll be able to see them there.) I drove it to church on Sunday, and then to work today, and it seems very nice: a quiet, comfortable ride. It’s not a Saab of course, but at the same time I think it will do us well for college. Nissans are generally well put together cars and hopefully it won’t go wrong for us. Also, being a 1.8 engine it’s a bit more efficient than the old Saab – I was getting 40+ mpg on the way to and from work today.

So I’m pretty happy overall anyway! The Primera isn’t as much fun as the Saab but it’s a sensible car given our plans for the next few years: it’s big enough to take stuff between Colchester and North London, and it’s (hopefully) reliable enough not to need too much attention while we have it. Oh, and it’s a 5-door, which will mean no more faffing around when giving people lifts! That does grate after a while in a 3-door car. Fortunately we didn’t have to give too many people lifts, but even so it’s annoying!

So that’s our car situation at the moment. Hopefully one day we will be able to go back to Saab, but for the time being the Nissan’s the way forward (provided the way forward is by road).


One response to “Farewell, Saab”

  1. […] a Nissan Primera, in fact (did you see what I did there? Ha!). It was just over a year ago that we bought the car, replacing our much-loved but expensive-to-run […]

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