Holiday Bible Club and Birthdayness

It’s been a busy week for me! Just over a week ago, on the Sunday morning Phil and I headed down to St Simon Zelotes to see Mike Neville (former rector of our old church in Colchester), and then have lunch with the Nevilles and a couple of other people afterwards. It was a really nice morning, great to see Mike again and hear how they’re getting on. After that, we headed home and I jumped straight into the car to head up to Fordham (the aforementioned church in Colchester).

I played guitar at Sunday@6 that evening, and then stayed around to help set up for Holiday Club: the reason I was in Colchester for the week! The Holiday Club ran from Monday to Thursday in the mornings. My role was basically to help out with ‘door security’ (i.e. making sure kids didn’t run out without parents), taking photos, and generally helping out with anything that was required. It was good fun, tiring but enjoyable! There were lots of smiling faces throughout the whole week – I think everyone had a good time.

On the Monday afternoon, my stitches came out – it felt so much better to have them removed! The skin no longer felt tight, and it looked a lot more ‘normal’. (Now the black eye has basically gone and the wound looks like it’s healing nicely. Thanks for asking.)

On Thursday evening, I drove down to Phil’s parents. Phil had spent a couple of days up in Preston with a friend, so it was good to see her again! On the Friday – my birthday – we headed into London to visit the Heatherwick Exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum. In case you didn’t know (I didn’t), Heatherwick is the company who created the Olympic Cauldron, as well as some other memorable designs including a new London bus. It was a fascinating exhibition actually, well worth going to see if you’ve got a spare couple of hours.

Afterwards, we wandered down to Hyde Park and slowly walked back towards Waterloo through the various parks in London. It was a beautiful day, and great to be out!

On the Saturday, Roz and Matt joined us and we went to play crazy golf in the morning (a new crazy golf course had opened locally), and then we basically tried to stay cool the rest of the day – mainly by not going out very much! Well, I didn’t go out very much anyway.

Then, on Sunday morning we drove back to Colchester where I was leading the ‘all-age’ Holiday Club service. That seemed to go well – a few people said the enjoyed it afterwards. Then we headed over to Higham for the Fordham Church Family Picnic, and then back to church for Sunday@6. Then we came home to London.

*phew* … it’s been a busy week! Today I am mainly suffering Olympic withdrawal symptoms (because it’s been such a busy week, I haven’t had time to have any withdrawal symptoms), watching re-runs of Top Gear on Dave (not yet but I will be…) and generally recovering a bit.


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