Waiting Over

Baby LydiaJust a very quick update to announce that the baby we have been waiting for… has finally arrived! Our daughter, Lydia Jean Sacre, was born yesterday at 9:26AM weighing 7lb11oz. We can’t believe how blessed we are to have such a beautiful baby girl, what a gift! Praise God.

At some point I may write a post in a little bit more detail about the birth, but suffice it to say everything is going well so far and we can’t wait to get to know our little girl. Even if we are completely exhausted at the moment!

This probably signifies a break in any kind of regular blogging from me for, say, the next 18 years or so. Probably no bad thing. Thanks to everyone who has sent good wishes and kind words!


One response to “Waiting Over”

  1. […] been shamed into posting by Phill Sacre who managed to blog his joyous news within 24 hours of Lydia Jeans arrival. It’ taken me 3 weeks to get round to this but (as my Facebook friends and Twitter followers […]

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