New Week…

Been a bit busy! I’m so happy that for a second year running, I’m on campus all day on a Tuesday. 9:00 lecture in the morning, then a 1:00 and a 4:00, followed by CU in the evening. Still it wasn’t too bad. Saw Joe, Alex and Philippa in the bar for a bar breakfast in the morning, then Lindsey and Andy H in Mondo for a hot chocolate, then my lecture, then down ot the chaplaincy for a couple of hours, then my next lecture, then up to 4N.6.1 to set up for CU (I spent about half an hour typing out lyrics on powerpoint because we had a projector :)) and then dinner at Sizzlers and then CU and then Top Bar and then round to Andy H’s and Gemma’s flats to listen to Monty Python Sings… and then home with Welsh Phil and Alex.

So now you know.


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