WordPress version 2.0

Well, it turns out that WordPress v2.0 has been released! Excellent. I upgraded to it just now, it took about half an hour. You probably won’t notice much difference in general, although I do apologise if anyone finds anything on the site that’s broken because of it!

Anyway. If you’re a WordPress user — check out the Blog Post. If you’re not a WordPress user — why not? Check it out anyway! 🙂 Most of the feature improvements seem to be behind the scenes, but the new admin section looks quite snazzy! Also there seems to be the option of signing up as a subscriber to the blog, which (if I’m correct in my assumption) means you’ll be able to get my blog by e-mail. Why you’d do that I don’t know, but still…

Well, I’d better get back to writing my lovely, lovely test plan… oh what incredibly joy! *ahem* As you were…


One response to “WordPress version 2.0”

  1. Yes looks fun. I don’t think I’ll bother to upgrade mine yet though…

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