Busy busy!

I realised the other day that I’ve managed to book myself out every evening this week. Here’s a summary of my evenings:

Monday – go round to Matthew’s to do a poster for the mission week coming up at Fordham.
Tuesday – go round to Philippa’s for dinner, prepare for this evening
Wednesday – do ‘Christianity Explored’ course with a couple of friends from church
Thursday – go to home group (I’m leading it this week)
Friday – do some babysitting for some friends from our home group.

Ah well, c’est la vie! None of it is too strenuous so I’m happy. Tomorrow morning I’m taking my car in to be fixed… apparently it has to have the manifold replaced. The car’s been fealing quite ‘heavy’ the last couple of days, i.e. seems to rev quite a lot for not that much acceleration, so hopefully this will improve matters.

All for now!


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