My Feisty Upgrade…

I mentioned early that the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (7.04 ‘Feisty Fawn’) has been released, and that I was upgrading to it. Well, I’ve been using it now for a short time, and it seems pretty good. The graphics have been reworked a little bit, there are a few refinements here and there… haven’t really been using it long enough to say!

Unfortunately, the main problem I’ve had is that my wireless network card disappeared once I’d upgraded. I think the reason was, for some reason it didn’t install ndiswrapper. So, if you’re upgrading to Ubuntu 7.04 and have a wireless network card, make sure you have a network cable to hand – once you’ve installed the packages ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 things should start working again. (You will probably need to add ‘ndiswrapper’ to /etc/modules as well).

I found that once I’d done that, my wireless settings magically came back (it had remembered the settings for my wireless card previously), and I was able to connect to the internet once again.

That’s all for now… I’m off to bed (early start tomorrow!)


2 responses to “My Feisty Upgrade…”

  1. Um … feisty indeed!

  2. […] on Feisty fawn can be found from Phill, Bug, Paul and Pete who uses Kubuntu now, while Mez tries out Xubuntu. While Ravi wonders if Ubuntu […]

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