Moving and everything

Hello there! This is my first proper blog post since moving down to London (well, if you don’t count the Project 365 posts. Which probably most of you didn’t. But still.)

So, yes. Last Monday we waved goodbye to Colchester and headed down to London. My parents helped us out with moving (they picked up a van and drove it down for us). Phil’s parents met us at our new house and gave us a hand at that end. In general the day went smoothly – we were pretty much packed by the time Mum and Dad got to our house! We’d also managed to get a surprising amount of stuff in our car. In the end, we only filled about 2/3 of the van which was pretty impressive, given that I was worrying about not being able to fit everything in before!

So, to cut a long story short, after signing the contracts and moving all our stuff in, we had dinner with our parents, then they headed off and we were left with the task of making the house more home-like. It took a couple of days for the house to really look like a home, but we managed it! We had to take a trip to Ikea to buy one or two necessary bits of furniture (i.e. some shelves and a new computer desk).

But the house now looks pretty good, all we need to do is get some pictures to put on the walls!

Apart from that, we went out to a puddings evening on Thursday with some other people from college. It was nice to meet a few people who I will be studying with this year. Term starts a week tomorrow, really not long to go now!

This morning we went to Christ Church Cockfosters, which we enjoyed, and this evening we’re going to head off to see Mike Neville at St Simon Zelotes, Chelsea. It will be nice to see him again, and hear him preach!

So, that’s pretty much been our week – sorting out, unpacking, orienting ourselves in the East Barnet area. There are still a few things to do, but we’re nearly there now! One thing which I am looking forward to is getting the internet here on Tuesday – for the past few days we’ve been using local BT Open Zone hotspots, which has been really useful but not quite the same as having the internet for yourself. We can’t watch iPlayer programmes, for example, and YouTube doesn’t really stream properly (i.e. the internet is a bit slow for that kind of thing, general browsing is OK though).

Right, um, that’s a bit of a brain dump I’m afraid, but still. That’s all from me for now!


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