The Weekend

Well, it’s that time of the week again! – Time for the customary ‘The Weekend’ post. Let’s start with Friday evening. I had dinner at Philippa’s, with Luci, and then we went into town to V-Bar for a while.

On Saturday I went into town, bought a few things… in the evening, Philippa and I went to a breakbeat night at Club Forin. It was pretty good – I really enjoyed it! It was very tech-breaks / electro kind of style (I wouldn’t really describe it as “Nu-Skool Breaks” like they had on the flyer…) but it was worth going ๐Ÿ™‚ One of the best nights I’ve had out in a while, as there aren’t many decent dance nights in Colchester.

Anyway. On Sunday I went to the chaplaincy service. I had to play a couple of songs (Philippa did another couple) – the first time I’ve actually played in a worship session! Seemed to go well though, even though it was quite short notice (we found out on Saturday). And then in the evening I went to see “Batman Begins” – it was definitely one of the best films to have come out recently! Well worth watching ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyway, that’s all for the time being…


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