Busy weekend!

This weekend was quite a busy one! On Friday afternoon, Andy C gave me a ring to say that he was in town for his sister’s wedding, so in the evening Philippa and I met up with Andy and his girlfriend (Rika, I hope that’s how you spell it!) and went for a few drinks at the Purple Dog. It was a nice evening – the third time I’ve seen Andy C in the past month, which is amazing considering I hadn’t seen him previously for well over a year!

On Saturday, we went shopping in the morning, and then did a few odd jobs in the afternoon. I assembled a BBQ my parents had given me for my birthday, I hope that we get a chance to use it soon, the weather’s been so bad this summer there haven’t been many opportunities for barbecues!

In the evening we watched Mission Impossible 3 as Phil hadn’t seen it. (We’ve just signed up for easyCinema, which means we get cheap DVD rentals via the post… it’s quite a good system!).

On Sunday morning we went to Fordham as per usual, and afterwards Andy C and Rika came round for lunch. They had to go fairly soon after lunch as they were flying back to Germany that evening, but shortly after that our next-door neighbour came round for a cup of tea, which ended up taking us til about 6:00.

After that, Alex, Esther, Anne-Marie, Steve and Karen all came round to have pizza and watch “Zoolander”, which was very enjoyable (the evening, not just the film).

Right, I think that’s just about everything for the weekend. The only thing I wanted to mention is that I am changing my internet provider, mainly because I’m not too happy with the service I’ve received (the internet connectivity hasn’t been particularly reliable – a couple of months ago the internet was down for a whole weekend! It came back on the Monday, but still). I’m not going to name names though, because I think the company is geared up towards businesses and not home users — I only had the internet with them because Paul (my old flatmate) was signed up with them previously to us being flatmates. Anyway.

I’ve just about decided to go with Eclipse, as a couple of people have mentioned that they’ve been good. They’re actually a member of the same group my company is part of — unfortunately I don’t think that qualifies me for a discount! Ah well.


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